I honestly can't tell you enough how proud I am of how well the Jabbawockeez are doing. I'm proud of them because yes, they are representing the Filipino community and the many talents that our people have, but also because I really do believe that they are awesome performers with an exceptional ability to dance. OK, granted there may be other dance crews out there that people feel are better than them, but regardless of the fact, the Jabbawockeez are where they are because they took the steps needed to secure their success. That being said, even if there are better dancers out there...who cares. I'm not talking about them right now. The topics of this blog are my views of one particular dance crew - the Jabbawockeez. So, let's not be haters. Give credit where credit is truly due. I'm not a groupie or a die hard Jabba fan. I simply respect this crew, and any crew for that matter, because of their talent, discipline, and willingness to go beyond limits to get to where they want to go. Not to mention the super mini side note that I'm a sucker for guys that can dance but HONESTLY...that is besides the views that I've previously mentioned. Peace.
Career Minded, Artistically Motivated, Family Oriented, Genuine Friend -- I'm a HR Manager by day, Online Advertising/Media Business Owner by night, Professional Photographer and Radio Show Host by week (all frequently overlapping each other).
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