Peace to KMOS of Motivate Movement for getting at us with his request. You know we always got you, fam! Nothing can compare to the lyrical wordplay of old skool Bay Area hip hop. Some of the best have come and gone but their legacies through their music speaks for itself on an infinite level. It's a definite head bobbin, stank face, hand in the air, oh daym type of mix because ... oh yeah...we took it back. Trust just gotta listen. Just click on the image above or click here to listen to the come back show on Limelight Radio. Word.
2:59 PM |
Posted in
Peace to KMOS of Motivate Movement for getting at us with his request. You know we always got you, fam! Nothing can compare to the lyrical wordplay of old skool Bay Area hip hop. Some of the best have come and gone but their legacies through their music speaks for itself on an infinite level. It's a definite head bobbin, stank face, hand in the air, oh daym type of mix because ... oh yeah...we took it back. Trust just gotta listen. Just click on the image above or click here to listen to the come back show on Limelight Radio. Word.
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- Femcee Jayme
- Career Minded, Artistically Motivated, Family Oriented, Genuine Friend -- I'm a HR Manager by day, Online Advertising/Media Business Owner by night, Professional Photographer and Radio Show Host by week (all frequently overlapping each other).
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- Limelight Radio wants to know WHAT YOU THINK!
- May I PLEASE have this dance?
- WE'RE BACK! Limelight Radio is back on the air Fr...
- Jabbawockeez get my RESPECT
- Another FREE V-Day mix for yall!
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- Jared Dominic Esperanza
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