I've had better Mother's Day weekends throughout my life than the one that just passed and if it wasn't for a few of my little homies...it could've been a lot worse. Let me just recap why...
First up... my godson Jordan. Just look at him (pictured above)! Crazy cute...and so aware of my favorite color! All he had to say was, "Here you go Ninang! A Fwower seeeee?" It was over! haha. I've always thought of Jordan as the godson that most reflects me just because of his silly antics and socialability...maybe that's why we vibe well. And such a heartbreaker he is! This dude had 2 girlfriends AND and ex! WTF? He can be seen at the bus stop at school hugging on a girl while whispering "I love you" to her as they part for the day. Oh bro! Such a ladies man he is.

Next up is my ninja boy wonder-master story teller nephew/homie Jaylen. Don't let this sweet and serene picture of him sleeping deceive you...he is a fireball when he is awake! He had been asking his ninong (my BFF) if he could come to my house to visit and the day finally came. We made cookies, he played with the royal dog Tempo, played some games on the laptop, watched some basketball, he told some awesome stories, and topped it off with his favorite snack...Philippine mangos! Haha this kid is just so fun to have around...and not to mention a great partner to have while playing swords! Fun times indeed!

And last but not least... my protege, Miss Aysiah Estores. Ahhh a breath of fresh air. I'll let her talent speak for itself. We're just about done with her first song. The only thing left to do is bring her to The Beat Temple to record it like the pros do. Click on her picture to hear the full song! It's DOPE just to witness how much talent this little girl has. Or you can just click here to here AJ Estores singing, Daddy Says.
I sure do luuuhv them kids...
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