Taken from blog.socialush.com: Quannum Projects' own Joyo Velarde takes the spotlight on Limelight Radio having just released her self-titled EP on May 26, 2009. With the Quannum Fam on her corner, she is geared up to take center stage on her own as she prepares to release her first full length album around November 2009. With an exclusive interview with Limelight Radio host, Jayme Esperanza of Socialush.TV, Joyo shares her journey to get where she is as well as some exciting news for the future.
Like all normal human beings, I've been on both ends of lie. What I've failed to really take the time to think about...is... now this can get confusing...but let's try this example:
Imagine a cat and a mouse, who have an intentionally lifelong bond for whatever their reasons may be. One day the cat decides to lie to the mouse.
If the cat lies to the mouse...
Does it cross the cat's mind - what if the mouse knows the truth the whole time and is just observing how far the cat will take the lie? Does the cat automatically think that just because things seem normal with the mouse, that's all that matters and they've gotten away with it? Or does the cat ever think to itself, if the mouse knew the truth and just took all the lies in, how painful it can be to have something silently eating away at the mouse? how would the cat feel?
OK, before I confuse anyone further than I already might have...I just felt the need to express my frustration about people who think they are slick enough to lie about something when in actuality they aren't.
I'm no expert and obviously I am not a pulse monitoring lie detecting machine. I have, however, been taught by trained professionals how to observe a person's speech, body movements, responses, etc. in order to determine whether or not a person is lying. I've also read many studies about lie detection and have watched actual footage of real criminal interrogations to help develop my detection skills. To this day, I'm not sure if I mentioned to anyone the extent of how much I've studied this...or whether it mattered to anyone or not. As an HR Manager, one of my main responsibilities is to handle employee relations issues. You wouldn't believe the issues that have been brought to my attention, some sad, some easy, some irritating, and some can be completely fucked up! To deal with these cases, I've learned that you have to have thick skin, impartial attitude, and good judgment of both character and actions. In other words, if an employee or a manager is trying to swing something shady...I want to do all that I can to make sure that doesn't happen. Anyway, enough about that. I'm just really sick of being lied to. Most of the time, people lie to me about things they have no reason to lie about! Maybe I'm the mouse wondering if the cats who lie to me know or even care what I could possibly be thinking. What I do know is that I've managed to not expect people to think one way or the other. I'll just wait and see I guess. In any case, allow me to drop some thoughts of mine about it...
Have u ever looked into a persons eyes
And see the kind of proof you fear?
There’s just no way in hell to disguise
Lies...projected on your face…clear
Like crystal it’s heard in crisp detail
Why is the subject of truth a constant fail-
Ure lack of interest to have a clean conscience
You watch as I deteriorate, weaken, become nauseous
Listen to you spit lies when you think you got me?
Shit, I’d never bet on your undercover ability
You forgot I’m skilled, trained to judge one’s character
Investigate daily, watching for devil’s messengers
Fabricate reasons to create diversions from fact
Been around too many, too easy to call your act
Common excuses ring constant, making me deaf
Body language is textbook…face it…you got no truth left
Sometimes I wonder how it possibly feels
Have the nerve to lie even before the last one heals
Forreal? I plead daily, “MAY NO ONE FUCK ME OVER”
Yet I’m helpless like a straight inmate forced to bend over
If that thought never dawned on you, I hope it haunts you each day
If you can live with that sight, to hell for your soul, I’ll pray.
If I was an enemy or stranger, who’d expect you to care?
The fact is I’m not. You just choose to push me there.
I think I learned to love jazz music by watching The Cosby Show. I just saw one of my favorite Cosby jazz moment episodes, The Cosby Show The Younger Woman, Season 1, Episode 22 where Cliff and Claire play my favorite jazz song of all time: "In A Sentimental Mood" by John Coltrane.
It was a proud day for the Esperanza's as the newest addition to the family, Jared Dominic, was baptized last Saturday in Berkeley. Here are some pics that I thought were pretty cool...
The last three shows that I've hosted have been lots of fun and have been on rotation in my itunes. Why? I really do believe in the music that we highlight on Limelight Radio.
For those who don't know... either we haven't been in touch in a long time, or maybe you just stumbled upon my blog and have never met me before, or if you do know me and we have been in touch... yall have just been living under a rock haha -- anyways...I host a weekly radio show called Limelight Radio for a company that I co-founded called Socialush, LLC. If you haven't done so already, please check out our website at socialush.tv and see what we're all about. Limelight #37 i'd say is the funnest show that I've done so I urge you to listen to that one if you only have time or the interest to listen to one of our shows. Just click on the show you want to hear and *poof*... get ready to eargasm.
Sometimes when the world seems like it's crumbling to the ground...something about the kids take all of your worries away. I like to thank God everyday for the little things (in this case literally) in life that make it worth while.
I've had better Mother's Day weekends throughout my life than the one that just passed and if it wasn't for a few of my little homies...it could've been a lot worse. Let me just recap why...
First up... my godson Jordan. Just look at him (pictured above)! Crazy cute...and so aware of my favorite color! All he had to say was, "Here you go Ninang! A Fwower seeeee?" It was over! haha. I've always thought of Jordan as the godson that most reflects me just because of his silly antics and socialability...maybe that's why we vibe well. And such a heartbreaker he is! This dude had 2 girlfriends AND and ex! WTF? He can be seen at the bus stop at school hugging on a girl while whispering "I love you" to her as they part for the day. Oh bro! Such a ladies man he is.
Next up is my ninja boy wonder-master story teller nephew/homie Jaylen. Don't let this sweet and serene picture of him sleeping deceive you...he is a fireball when he is awake! He had been asking his ninong (my BFF) if he could come to my house to visit and the day finally came. We made cookies, he played with the royal dog Tempo, played some games on the laptop, watched some basketball, he told some awesome stories, and topped it off with his favorite snack...Philippine mangos! Haha this kid is just so fun to have around...and not to mention a great partner to have while playing swords! Fun times indeed!
And last but not least... my protege, Miss Aysiah Estores. Ahhh a breath of fresh air. I'll let her talent speak for itself. We're just about done with her first song. The only thing left to do is bring her to The Beat Temple to record it like the pros do. Click on her picture to hear the full song! It's DOPE just to witness how much talent this little girl has. Or you can just click here to here AJ Estores singing, Daddy Says.
I believe that the lack of communication in relationships today, regardless of whether it is a personal or business relationship, is the cause of failed marriages, unsuccessful business ventures, health complications, violence, alcohol and drug dependency, broken homes, juvenile delinquency, and death.
A Person without the desire to obtain the ability to effectively communicate will not succeed. A Person who strives yet still struggles to effectively communicate will gain the respect that will eventually help them to reach success. Increase the Peace. Communication is Power.
Each of us is a radar machine constantly scoping out our environment. Human beings are sensitive to body language, facial expression, posture, movement, tone of voice and more. To effectively communicate, these interpersonal communication dynamics must match your words. Words are distantly useful for people who are scoping out the meaning of a communication.
Without awareness of the whole person, who is doing the communicating, including the factors in interpersonal communication dynamics, you miss much of what is being communicated. At the same time, if you communicate without understanding all of the interpersonal communication dynamics your listener sees and hears, you fail to use powerful aspects of communication.
Your body language, facial expression, posture, movement, and tone of voice can help you emphasize the truth, sincerity, and reliability of your communication. They can also undermine your communication if the words you use are in congruent with the message sent via the interpersonal communication dynamics.
Since communication is shared meaning, your words must send the same message as the other interpersonal communication dynamics. The consistent message ensures effective communication.
Career Minded, Artistically Motivated, Family Oriented, Genuine Friend -- I'm a HR Manager by day, Online Advertising/Media Business Owner by night, Professional Photographer and Radio Show Host by week (all frequently overlapping each other).