In today's economic situation, employment is a frequent topic of conversation in any social setting. For the first time in a long time however, it surprisingly brought a positive light to this particular conversation. I recently met someone who has, what I think is, a very unsuspectingly awesome job. And here is why:
All that is required of him is to collect "junk" that people are trying to get rid of. Like the title of this blog states, one person's junk is another person's treasure! After less than 3 weeks at his job, he has been able to collect several TVs ranging from 42" - 58", antique camera and video equipment, audio equipment such as speakers, amplifiers, etc...and I'm talking all in perfectly working condition. Rich people buy multiple amounts of 1 thing just because they can...then later realize, "what the heck did i do that for? it's just taking up space so I'm gonna get rid of it" People with obscene amounts of money, I swear. All the while he gets paid his normal hourly pay, company profit sharing, tips, and if he decides that he wants to sell these items to anyone...he gets to keep 100% of the profit! That's 4 different avenues of income in one job. I love it! Who knew that collecting junk could be so profitable!!
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About Me
- Femcee Jayme
- Career Minded, Artistically Motivated, Family Oriented, Genuine Friend -- I'm a HR Manager by day, Online Advertising/Media Business Owner by night, Professional Photographer and Radio Show Host by week (all frequently overlapping each other).
Blog Archive
- Birthday Revelation
- One Person's Junk is Another Person's Treasure
- Quote Unquote...(to be continued)
- A Priceless Picture
- How Music Will Save the World...Believe.
- Another quote unquote...
- Crazy Legs of Rock Steady Crew on SocialushTV
- Energy Through Video: Everlasting B.A.S.S.
- Don't Cha Wanna Hear What I Gotta Say?
- Quote Unquote

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