Seems like emotions tend to circle back to you...even the ones that you wish would just stay away and never turn back. What can we do? Here's one that I wrote from June of 2008. Although it's one from my past, it's continuing to make appearances in my present.
Tick tock goes the clock
First it was months then turned into weeks followed by days and transitioned into hours
Intervals decreasing to where paranoia takes its toll on me
I've dreaded this moment that I've tried so hard to block out of all life expectancies
Practiced then mastered the art of dodging the notion, the reality I will soon have to accept
At any given point in my life I'd have to confront this demon that I've prayed redemption from
My lasting defense mechanisms have failed me and my power has been taken
Memories now bleed slowly
Each drop of red signifying love that seeps away from my veins
Beating by a different flow from a varied heartbeat
Melodies once originated in me now escaped
Tick tick tick and its getting closer
Although I run I can't run for others
Mind only of its own it chooses premeditated directions
Burning its way through my delicate state
Hitting me while my high faces the floor
No understanding of the timing to which it strikes
It demonstrates the anticipated while vulnerability has no influence
Fragile to say the least and the least is where my tolerance hangs in limbo
I watch the sun and moon exchange positions hoping that each movement will be spared from interruption
Why can't I hold on to the rarity that keeps me sane
Rather I have to watch it disappear slowly by each second its on my mind.
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About Me
- Femcee Jayme
- Career Minded, Artistically Motivated, Family Oriented, Genuine Friend -- I'm a HR Manager by day, Online Advertising/Media Business Owner by night, Professional Photographer and Radio Show Host by week (all frequently overlapping each other).
Blog Archive
- Gotta Have Grown Folks Time Too!!
- Shooting AK-47s with my godsons
- Start to Something Great
- Eyes on the prize...
- Life stood still this weekend...
- My godson the Superstar
- Songs, Shoes, Sophia, SF, Socialush, Smuggling Cra...
- I wish everyone had one of these:
- Weekend & Thought Decompression
- Time Waits for No One
- I can be pretty Dorky sometimes

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